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I enjoy life and what it has to offer I enjoy life and what it has to offer; there won't be a time that I regret not living to my fullest potential. I am very headstrong, and determined and I admire people who are as well. I am honest and sometimes blunt, but I feel it is the only way to be. That way there is no room for misunderstandings. I am in love with having fun, laughing, and experiencing new things. That is what enriches my life. I never want to feel stagnate, so I seek someone who will always challenge me. FYI: a sense of humor is VITAL in my world. If you don't have one.. it doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you're not the one for me, that's all. Ideal Person: Well... First of all he has to have all his teeth and hair. Very important. Has to be honest and loyal. Someone with a good sense of humor. He can't be butt-ugly. Someone who can carry on a decent conversation. He has to be self-assured, but not conceited. Has to at least try to be romantic sometimes. Someone willing to open up and let me know what's going on. Someone who treats people with respect. Has to be able to think for himself and not make decisions based on what other people tell him to do (That's so lame).
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COME join us?? We have been together for 7 years and now ready for the next level, we are both clean shaved and clean of any STD, and would want you to be as well. We are both an attractive couple and would like to get it on with one of the same status. J(Female) is 5'7 slim body, nice long sexy caramel legs and a sexy tight booty with great b36 size tits, beautiful face with a nice smile. C(Male) is 5'11 w/muscular body frame, great smile and sexy light brown eyes(which he claims ar hazel) very funny w/a great personality. Very easy going couple We both work full time and attend College part time. We would like to begin with small chat and email and then maybe meet a public place and if sparks fly then we will take it from their. Please no pushy people, if it happens it happens, if not we can still look forward to a good time. We are a funny exciting and very outgoing couple. Just about anything that sounds right for that day, Male/Female or Couple. Join for free This free online dating service is a great place for horny girls to get in touch. Jewell ridge Virginia Local Sex Chat has more than 6 million profiles to choose from and free adult webcams for those interested in cyber sex. Feel free to use our live Jewell ridge Virginia nude webcams chat room and contact most beautiful women and/or hot nude men. We want our members to have a free adult sex chat in a secure and pleasant environment. That's why our free dating site is designed for adult users only and you must be more than 18 years old to join. Ready to join the Local Sex Chat - Register now and get a totally free standard Jewell ridge Virginia membership! |
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